$66 million boost for North Dakota childcare: House Bill 1540 to address costs and workforce issues
Bismarck, North Dakota – The persistent childcare crisis in North Dakota is set to receive a significant boost with the forthcoming disbursement of $66 million in funds later this summer, as outlined in House Bill 1540. The financial support aims to address childcare costs and workforce issues.
The majority of the allocated funds will be dedicated to making childcare more affordable for families. Robin Nelson, Executive Director of the Red River Valley Boys and Girls Club, explained that families in dire need will receive much-needed assistance with their high tuition bills.
Approximately one-third of the funding will be utilized to expand the Child Care Assistance Program, enabling a greater number of families to access financial support for daycare expenses. Officials estimate that nearly 2,000 additional North Dakota families will qualify for aid due to the increased funding.
Nelson noted that a significant portion of the funds will target childcare for children aged birth to three, which is typically the most expensive due to the mandated staff-to-child ratios. The remaining funds will be allocated to toddler and infant care, as well as training and quality ratings for providers.
Although Nelson acknowledged that this is a step in the right direction, she believes there is still much work to be done, particularly in addressing the childcare worker shortage. She hopes that future legislative sessions will focus on tackling this issue.
Nelson explains that in order to compete for employees, higher wages must be offered, which in turn necessitates increased fees for families. She emphasizes that without a sufficient workforce, it is impossible to serve more children, and availability remains a significant concern in North Dakota.
Providers stress the importance of maintaining ongoing conversations with elected leaders even after the legislative session concludes, ensuring that these critical issues remain at the forefront of policy discussions.