Fargo News

Fargo City Commissioner calls for more effective measures against street racing

Fargo, North Dakota – City Commissioner Arlette Preston of Fargo is advocating for a more proactive approach to tackle the persistent issue of street racing.

She reports that she continues to receive complaints concerning this problem, despite a significant law enforcement crackdown approximately a year ago.

The commission has resolved to delegate the matter to city engineering staff for further examination. They will explore potential modifications, which could include the installation of traffic lights or speed bumps, to deter street racing.

However, Commissioner Dave Piepkorn views the situation primarily as a law enforcement concern. “We had a significant impact last fall when we augmented law enforcement efforts, involving the Highway Patrol and even air support,” he said. “While engineering might offer some solutions, I believe ultimately, this is a law enforcement issue.”

Commissioner Preston, on the other hand, countered that it’s impractical to expect the police force to effectively patrol multiple streets constantly.

In an unrelated request, Jade Presents, a local event organization, proposed an increase in the number of outdoor amplified events permitted per month during the summer, from one to five.

However, the commission has decided to postpone any action until they receive the results of an ongoing noise study.

Judith Jackson

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