Fargo News

City of West Fargo reminds residents about fireworks safety rules ahead of Independence Day

West Fargo, North Dakota – The West Fargo Fire Department wishes to draw the attention of residents to the crucial importance of adhering to safety protocols while using fireworks during the upcoming Independence Day festivities.

Fireworks, though integral to the celebrations, carry inherent risks such as severe injuries and fire outbreaks when handled irresponsibly. It is hence strongly recommended that citizens exercise vigilance and strictly abide by the City’s ordinances concerning the use of fireworks.

The City regulations permit individuals aged 12 years and above to possess and use retail fireworks within the West Fargo City limits, during two specific periods: firstly, from 8 a.m. (CST) on July 4 through to 11:59 p.m. (CST) the same day, and secondly, from 8 p.m. (CST) on December 31 through to 1 a.m. (CST) on January 1. The use of fireworks outside of these stipulated timeframes is strictly forbidden.

Moreover, it is prohibited to ignite, discharge, or use fireworks on any publicly owned or controlled property, which includes parks, city or county property, school premises, and federal property, unless there is prior written approval from the respective governing board or their authorized representative. This extends to public roadways, rights of way, and sidewalks.

The safe disposal of fireworks entails soaking them overnight in a metal garbage container filled with water, before placing them in a plastic bag or container. It is crucial never to attempt to reignite or handle defective fireworks, but rather to douse them with water and dispose of them. Additionally, it is strongly advised not to place any garbage, including spent fireworks, either inside or adjacent to one’s home or garage.

For the safety of all, it is imperative not to direct or throw fireworks, even sparklers, towards any individual. It is advised to ignite fireworks one at a time, retreating to a safe distance immediately after. A bucket of water or a nearby water source should be readily available to manage any possible fire-related accidents. All remnants of fireworks, including those that may have fallen onto public streets, neighboring yards, rights of way, or sidewalks, should be collected and disposed of responsibly.

Detailed firework regulations are available on the City of West Fargo’s website under Chapter 12, Section 12-0711.

Complaints related to firework usage will be addressed by the West Fargo Police Department, and may result in confiscation of fireworks and potential imposition of a fine. For lodging complaints, please contact 701-515-5500. In the case of an emergency, dial 911.

Should there be any queries regarding firework safety, the West Fargo Fire Department can be reached at 701-515-5600.

Jimmy Hathaway

Having spent my formative years in the beloved city of Grand Forks, I eventually relocated to Fargo during my second decade of life. The passion for journalism runs deep within my bloodline, as numerous close relatives have been, and some continue to be, engaged in the field as reporters and journalists. Outside of my professional pursuits, I cherish the moments spent in the company of my family.

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